Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just JESUS...

Arms stretched wide
beckoning, come reside
Lovingly HE died
Bridging the divide
Stemming the tide
Lord, Savior~guide
Ushering heaven inside

Blessed tears cried
Joy, can't hide


I Owe Jesus

Thursday, March 13, 2014

In your eyes...

In your eyes...

In your eyes, I see dreams of reaching the sky.
In your eyes, I see pain and the tears you've cried.
In your eyes, I see the longing for a love that's real.
In your eyes, I see the depth of heartache you feel.
In your eyes, I see the glow of love and contentment.
In your eyes, I see the burning flame of resentment.
In your eyes, I see the brokenness of betrayal.
In your eyes, I see the joy of overcoming failure.
In your eyes, I see the desire to just be appreciated.
In your eyes, I see how good it feels to be celebrated.

In your eyes...

The loving Heavenly Father has HIS eyes ever upon you. HE is watching out for your good. Keep your eyes upon HIM.


Reserved seating

Beloved, there are some positions that neither your ability, aptitude, assets, nor associations can get you into.

Some spots are reserved seating only by the Father's anointing, appointing, and approval. And it ain't nothing man can do it about it.

Be careful of pride, thinking you're more deserving based upon who you think or who others say you are, The Father ALWAYS knows best, humbly accept HIS will. Favor don't always seem fair, but The Lord ALWAYS does what's right.
To be heard ~ Speak.
To understand ~ Listen.
To endure ~ Persevere. 
To know ~ Learn.
To acquire ~ Give.
To achieve ~ Act.

To live ~ Love.

Just SHINE...

A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.

Share your glow that others may glow. Never be envious of another's light. The heavens are full of stars. Each has its own God given place, purpose, power, period, and prominence. The Father controls the switch, not the star. And so it is with you and I. When HE hits the switch and we get lit~Just SHINE!





But by the grace of God I am what I am... 
1 Corinthians 15:10


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I just love you...

I just love you...

Not just for your sassiness or classiness
Not just for your beauty and charm
Not just for your intelligence or dutifulness
Not just cause you're the mother of my children
Not just cause you're a gift to me from God
Not just cause we've endured over 20 plus years
Not just cause you're my best friend
Not just cause you've been with me in thick and thin
Not just cause you are so worth it
Not just cause of so many things

I just love you, just cause I do...

Husbands, go all out in love for your wives. Don’t take advantage of them. Colossians 3:19 (MSG)


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Unseen waterfalls

Some waterfalls are sight unseen
Pouring from an internal stream 
The eyes of one knows it place
You may not tell it by the face
Silent tears cried that fall inside

God comfort, keep, and heal thee. 

HE sees, HE knows, HE cares...

Friday, March 7, 2014

I'm just me...

From birth an anointed anomaly
My Maker's mark differentiates me
Oft misunderstood for my oddity

The last one standing...

In the theater of gladiators
Commences the challenge of wit and wills
Crowned the champion, the last one standing

Coping to healing...

In the rain
To hide tears
Cease the drain
Showers of healing
Eased the pain
To joyful tears
In the rain

Irony in nature...

The bodacious sun bathes the earth in light
Yet the warmth is shackled by winter's might
The irony warms the mind, chills the spine

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Before I was, HE is...

Before my conception, HE conceived me
Before my reception, HE received me
Before I breathed, HE breathed me
Before I believed in HIM, HE believed in me

Before I was, HE is.


Released. ~ Released from this, released from that. Released from yesterday, into today, unto tomorrow. Released from her, him, them, and it unto HIM. Released from sorrow into joy. Released from lack into so much more. Released from pettiness, puniness, and powerlessness into power, praise, perspective and purposefulness. Released from death, hell, and the grave. Released from sin and Satan's slavery into the Savior's salvation and service. Released from the devil's grip into Christ's grace. Released from the seconds, minutes, and the hours of time into the infinity of eternity. Released by The Lord, my God, who is mighty to save. ~ Released!

...thou are loosed... Luke 13:12

I Owe Jesus 

You, be you...

Like a river, flow
Like the moon, glow
Like the sun, shine
Like an explorer, find
You, be you.

Lord delight us in simply being the person you made us to be. Grant us grace to grow and be all you desire us be.

Mon Cherie Amour...

Mon Cherie Amour...

One day we met by chance
Another we mingled, merged in a dance
At once, you were just a girl
Now a delicious delight in my world
Wife, mother, lover, best friend 
May our bond grow and never end
Tender, intuitive, intelligent, neat 
Strong, even your bitter is sweet
We are as different as night and day
Yet, two of a kind in our individual way
Praise God for gifting me with your love
Yet united for the knot was tied from above.

Mon Cherie Amour...

My precious love, Happy Birthday blessings to you.... 
Your husband...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Deeper down...

You are deeper than a manmade mirror reflects. There is a well within you that mere men could never inspect. Live not by the shallow judgments of your or other people's limited vision or just plain blinded eyes.

Father help us see with YOUR eyes, understand with YOUR mind, and live, breathe, and love with YOUR heart.

In JESUS Mighty Name Amen...