The Crucible
These times try men’s souls, test men’s mettle. These times make the arrogant, unsettled; bring down high looks. These times bring out in some the inner crook. In times such as this the mighty crumble, the stately stumble. In times such as this, the wise are confounded, the cynical are intensely astounded.
These times bring into focus things that were hidden in plain sight. These times highlight man’s lack of ability to save himself-his fortune, his future, yet underscore his stubborn, rebellious will to keep trying to manufacture and master his destiny.
We now find ourselves in the crucible. A crucible is a place or set of circumstances where people or things are subjected to forces that try them and often change them. It is a severe trial or ordeal that draws out what is truly in the core of one’s being.
The crucible drives some men to display the real corruptness, deficiency of their character, often concealed from other’s view, disguised in self-possession. The crucible draws some to delve inward and a deluge of decency rises up to the benefit of others. The crucible stirs some to seek out and anoint a savior from the ranks of men, one who can alleviate anxiety, lure people together, and lead them to the desired promise land.
The crucible goads others to search for any god with power to deliver from distress only to be dominated by disempowering contrived devices and vices of man. Others descend to depend more definitively on the god of self.
The crucible, also, convinces others to seek the God of the bible.
This God of the bible is the only living and true God. He is incomparable in majesty and might. With impeccable character and judgment, He reigns.
He has helped me through the intimidating tests in the crucibles of my life. My crucibles have disciplined me. My crucibles have strengthened me. The crucibles in my life have drawn me to trust solely in His saving grace. Through my crucibles, He has demonstrated His love for me and opened my spiritual eyes to see how much I need Him, how I can’t make it without Him.
Jesus Christ, my Savior, was tested in the crucible of Calvary’s cross. He was lifted up to draw us unto Himself for He is the only tried and true Savior there is. He was humbled that we may receive honor. His body was broken that we may be whole. He who knew no sin was made to be sin for us. His blood was shed in atonement for our sin debt. He died and three days later was raised from the grave for our justification. He died that we may live forever through faith in Him.
The difficult tests of this time offer us an opportunity to look “unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” (Hebrews 12:2-3 KJV)
Let us not give in to depression or give up in despair in these traumatic times, but through determined, penitent prayer draw near to our Lord, drawing strength and deriving direction from His word and Spirit, as we under-gird each another. And, let us labor to spread the Good News that those caught in the crucible of sin may turn from their sin to Jesus, the merciful, righteous Lord who is able, willing, and mighty to save.
Larry D. Reed, Sr.
I Owe Jesus
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