Monday, August 9, 2010



Be attentive,
Loved ones value, need your interest.
Be brave.
A bolstered you, bolsters others.
Be creative.
You may have or be someone’s solution.
Be diligent.
Work hard, work smart, success ensues.
Be empathetic.
Compassion fosters caring relations.
Be forgiving.
Commonly, all err, including you.
Be genuine.
Genuineness brings about trust.
Be humble.
Arrogance repels, humility attracts.
Be impartial.
Hurtful prejudice promotes bitterness.
Be just.
Righteousness garners respect.
Be knowledgeable.
As you grow, others can grow with you.
Be loving.
One can never receive or give too much love.
Be mannerly.
Good manners can inspire hearty imitators.
Be nice.
The world has enough mean people in it.
Be open.
Respectfully consider the ideas or views of others.
Be prayerful.
More prayer equals more power for living.
Be quotable.
Let your words be fit, worth hearing, worth sharing.
Be responsible.
Own your actions, honor your obligations.
Be serene.
Be a person of a quiet spirit, an ambassador for peace.
Be teachable.
No one knows it all as a result all can learn.
Be understanding.
Show that you get it- be insightful, merciful, patient…
Be vigilant.
Evil ever lurks, be on your guard.
Be wise.
Discern the best pathway for life.
Be X…
An unknown quantity revealed to be the answer…
Be yourself.
There is no one better for you to be.
Be zealous.
Passionate in loving God, life, and humanity…


Romans 12:2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I owe Jesus

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