Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine, Beloved… …but the Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the Lord thy God loved thee. Deut23:5 Ooomph, oomph, oomph…JESUS!

They thought U weren’t gonna be nothing, but the Lord made something beautiful out of your life…They shunned U, thinking U would just go away, but the Lord gave U power to stay…They hung your name on the sign board, God wrote next to it “Now Starring”… They thought U would decrease, God brought increase…They attacked U, but God backed U…They tried to break U, God used them to make U…They walked away expecting U to fall apart, Jesus caused everything to come together…The devil thought he had U, at the cross Jesus came and grabbed U—now U’re saved, sanctified, and enjoying eternal blessings… God turned the curse into a blessing, ALL because HE loved Y-O-U. Beloved, LOVE HIM back…

Be perceptive… Love is not a one-sided lane to a dead-end, but a two-way street for free flowing mutual sharing to shared fulfillment… If you should desire to enter into a relationship with one who constantly intimates ‘I want to be loved’, this person may be letting you know in advance that they may have difficulty giving love because of their excessive desire to receive it. They may need your constant attention which can leave you feeling overwhelmed, under served, and unloved yourself… Their feelings may stem from a childhood void of the love they desired. Food for thought…Sometimes we just blindly jump in, not knowing what we’re jumping into or who we’re really jumping with…

Christian, Jesus said oughta settle it… Super smart scientific studies suggest you should switch this up and change that back every few years… But JESUS SAID… Christian, Jesus said, for us ought to be enough said… I’m sure most social scientists will continue to disagree. But then these same social scientists will have to give account to HIM in time to come… Beloved, be not conformed to the contrary to scripture customs, teachings, and principles of this world, but let Jesus transform your mind… Stand with HIM or fall for anything…

Breathe in, breathe out, take a step…Now praise God for progress…Repeat as often as needed to keep moving forward.

At times inhaling, exhaling, and taking one step is cause for great celebration…Every day is different and some more difficult than others. Make the most of each day, doing your best that day…Pray, push, pull, press, pause when apt, but just keep moving forward…

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