Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rise and Shine, Beloved…

Rise and Shine, Beloved… Inhale, exhale, feel that? It’s called being alive. While you got it, ENJOY it! Praise God who makes it happen!!! Love HIM, live for HIM…

Major minors… Even in this age of the mega thrill seeking, super sensory overload, gotta go big for great joy to keep from being bored to death attitude of humanity, there are little things that have always and will always be of utmost important such as being there doing what it takes everyday, being faithful, caring, sharing, talking, walking together, face to face, cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, homework helping, being tender and tough when appropriate, hugging, kissing, waking up saying, “good morning.”, “I love you.”

Sometimes in our rush to go here, go yon, to this big event, that big happening, trying to buy, experience the latest hot thing, we run over, forget the little things that make life grand. There have not always been flavor of the second technologies that thrill the senses for a fleeting moment and yet seemingly ever dulling the mind at the same time and we still lived for thousands of years. But there were walks along the way, hand in hand, looking up at the stars at night, running, jumping, skipping, playing, loving…

We need to rethink where we are, where we’re going, we need to slow down, love more deeply, think more, talk less, listen up, enjoy the basics—me and you—us—enjoying each other, in touch, in tune, laboring, laughing, learning together, being family, being community…

In the folly of youth, that our lives may appreciate in value in our eyes, we upgrade the people and possessions that surround us that we may find happiness. But in the wisdom of age, we find true happiness is in valuing and appreciating the people and possessions that surround us for time, tears, trials, and understanding have helped us upgrade our perspective as to what matters most in life. You find that a new this or a new that just doesn’t compare with a true friend or loving family who just simply want to be wherever you’re at…

I Owe Jesus

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